College Advisory Council



The College Advisory Council is a consultative and advisory body which supports the school Principal in strategic, planning and policy matters.

The College Advisory Council has the key function of supporting the Principal in the oversight of the Archbishop’s Charter for Catholic Schools.

This Charter focuses on four domains:
1. Catholic Identity
2. Learning
3. Leadership
4. Mission
These domains influence priorities at both the school and system level.

Meet the St Mary’s College Advisory Council

Brigid Shea

St Mary’s College alumna (graduated 1999)
Bachelor of Nursing, University of Tasmania; Post graduate diplomas: Geriatrics and Child and Family Health.Ìý
St Mary’s College parentÌýÌý

Brigid is a registered nurse with more than 20 years of experience spanning primary community care to critical acute care. She has experience in the private and government sector. Brigid enjoyed a semester abroad during her undergraduate degree. Once registered, she worked for two years in the United Kingdom.

Brigid’s passion lies in supporting families from birth to five years. As a Child and Family Health Nurse with the Tasmanian Health Service, her areas of clinical focus include breastfeeding, sleep and settling.

Brigid is a past president of the St Mary’s College Alumni Association. During her years on the committee, Brigid was known for increasing the organisation’s digital presence and hosting social events.

Brigid has been a long-term supporter of Caritas. She values charity, integrity and community.

Brigid and her husband, Leif have two children, both at St Mary’s: Beatrice in Year 3 and Clementine in Prep. Brigid is committing to supporting all St Mary’s families to participate in school life, both socially and academically.

Daniel Marr

Planning Consultant
Registered Planner, Planning Institute of Australia
Parent of a current student

Dan Marr is a qualified planner with over two decades of experience working as planner in both the consulting and local government environments. He shares his planning expertise through assisting with the delivery of the Master of Environmental Planning degree at the University of Tasmania.

Dan is a past member and chair of the St Cuthbert’s Catholic Primary School Advisory Board and past member of the Tasmanian Catholic Education Commission Capital Projects Committee. He is an old boy of St Virgil’s College, having shared classes with St Mary’s College in 1987-88.

Dan’s daughter, Caitlin, is an alumna of the College (class of 2022) and his younger daughter, Madeleine is currently in Year 9.Ìý He is committed to strong catholic education in Tasmania with both single-sex and co-education options.

Fr Peter Addicoat CP.PP

Fr Peter is a member of the Passionist Congregation. He was professed into the Congregation in 1968 and ordained a priest in 1973.

As a member of the St Joseph’s parish community he ministered as Catholic Chaplain at the Royal Hobart Hospital. Transferring to Melbourne, Fr Peter was appointed Spiritual Director of Students at Holy Cross Retreat, Templestowe, before being given time to study for a Diploma in Spiritualty in Rome at the Gregorian University. While in Rome he was appointed Novice Master, returning to Sydney to work in this role for 13 years. During this time, he also ministered as Community Leader, Provincial Consultor, Director of Initial Formation and Parish Assistant at St Anthony in the Fields, Terrey Hills. Fr Peter returned to St Joseph’s Hobart as Parish Priest and Community Leader, before moving to Melbourne to care for his mother and aunt, and once again coming back to St Joseph’s. Fr Peter has served the church of Hobart through St Joseph’s parish for 22 years.

Being invited to become a member of the Board of St Mary’s College is another way he and the Passionist Community are able to contribute to the life of the broader church of Hobart.

Jono Brimfield

Youth Mentor, Wolfpack Mentor and Community Sports Coach

My journey here at Ó£ÌÒÊÓƵ started when my daughter, Charlotte began Kinder in 2015 and I’ve been an active part of the St Mary’s community ever since.

Being a part of the St Mary’s College community through the Board, Presentation Families group, and as a parent enables me to engage my passion for community and connecting with people, while mentoring individuals and different groups. I have really enjoyed building relationships with staff, students and community members during a range of activities, including parent help, the umu ground oven, the Sustainability Fair and excursions.

My hands on and flexible approach to work as a Youth Mentor for teenage boys facing challenges, plus as a Community Sports groups coach has shown me how to work with different people. I’ve been a coach for women’s football teams, including at Clarence and Brighton and currently facilitate various mentoring roles across clubs and groups.

Another key project of mine is the Wolfpack, where I provide a mentoring and support session for adults going through separation, before they begin their counselling journey.

When I’m not with my main work or school groups, you’ll find me working on the family farm, Hillview Nugent, on 150 acres of pastureland with livestock and crops. The farm aims to be self-sufficient, and I also host various wellbeing mentoring sessions there.

Lauren Di Palma

Lean and Simplification Facilitator, University of Tasmania, Bachelor of Arts (Sociology Hons), St Mary’s College parent

After graduating, Lauren spent five years working in the not-for-profit sector. During this time Lauren developed and facilitated first aid, mental health and drug and alcohol programs for young people across Tasmania. For the past ten years, Lauren has worked in research ethics at UTAS and more recently returned to her passion for group facilitation working within the Lean and Simplification Team at UTAS.

Lauren is excited to be part of the new chapter of Ó£ÌÒÊÓƵ, as the school solidifies its’ position as a single-sex Catholic institution, bringing her passion for mental health to the Board. As a parent of two young daughters, one in Prep and a 3-year-old impatiently waiting for her Kinder year to come around, Lauren is focused on supporting the College in developing resilient and future-ready young women.

Mark Crosswell

Melinda Anderson

Chair of the Board

Master of Business (Tourism Management), Bachelor of Arts (Hons)
St Mary’s College parent

Melinda has worked in the tourism industry for the past 25 years in marketing, communications and management.Ìý Growing up in Hobart, she left Tasmania in 1994, living and working in Victoria and South Australia.Ìý Melinda returned to Hobart with her husband and daughter six years ago to take on the role as CEO, Destination Southern Tasmania before joining Pennicott Wilderness Journeys as its Marketing Manager.Ìý Melinda’s daughter Maddie is currently in Year 12 at the College.

Melinda is committed to contributing and supporting a school environment that fosters strong and resilient young women and is excited to be part of the St Mary’s College School Board.

Ryan Sharp

Treasurer, My State Bank; Bachelor of Economics (Hons); Graduate Diploma of Chartered Accounting
St Mary’s College parent

Ryan has 20 years of experience in the banking and financial services industry working in roles across relationship management, credit risk and treasury. Ryan’s current role is as Treasurer of MyState Bank, where he sits on the banks’ asset-liability and product and pricing governance committees.

Ryan serves as the Treasurer for the Ó£ÌÒÊÓƵ Advisory Council and is a member of the Ó£ÌÒÊÓƵ Advisory Council Finance Committe. His focus is on advancing sustainable Catholic education and supporting Ó£ÌÒÊÓƵ’s mission and values.

Outside of work, Ryan enjoys quality time with his family, reading and playing basketball. He is married and has two children; his daughter Isla, who began at Ó£ÌÒÊÓƵ in Kindergarten, is now in Year 5 at the College.


Sr Majella Kelly

Sr Majella Kelly is a member of the Presentation Sisters’ Leadership Team, a past pupil, teacher and Principal of St Mary’s College.

Sr Majella was member of the previous Governing Council since 1998-2014 and joined as a Board Member in 2014.

She graduated the University of Tasmania, and Australian Catholic University with degrees in Science, Theology and Education.

She was the Head of Human Resources at the Catholic Education Office Tasmania, and was the Catholic Education Office representative on the Schools Registration Board and Teachers Registration Board Tasmania.

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Groving our love of learning

St Mary's College is located on the traditional lands of the muwinina people of the South East Nation. We acknowledge and deeply respect the palawa people, the Tasmanian Aboriginal Community, and all Elders past and present. We are committed to learning alongside our students and community in this place, nipaluna, and support the continued sharing of knowledge and culture.